Aunt Marg.... these first couple are for you!!

And yes... if anyone wonders... I'm the little blonde kid that she's holding :)
And too... Mom thanks you for the pic of her and the Wazzan troupe... that's one picture she didn't have, or had seen for awhile... and wonders if you don't by chance have the old pictures that were in the cedar chest...she wished you did if you don't.
OK, now on to the Tag Kit freebie.
I didn't plan on making any kind of kit tonight, I was working on buddy tags, and then ended up with not feeling like searching for scraps to use with it, so I ended up making my own... lol. I always seem to do things the hard way.
Anyway, this is at 72 DPI for taggers... and a smaller kit. I couldn't believe I fit everything into just one preview! Wow.. that was a shocker, but then it only has 4 papers, and 14 elements, and a couple extras. All files are either jpg, png or psd, so most everyone should be able to use them with no problems.
Here's the preview for my Stars-n-Stripes

Click HERE to download.

Have fun!!